What are GitHub Licenses?

Ontheleftsideofthepage,underAddalicensetoyourproject,reviewtheavailablelicenses,thenselectalicensefromthelist.ClickReviewandsubmit ...,OnGitHub,navigatetothemainpageoftherepository.·Abovethelistoffiles,usingtheAddfiledrop-down,clickCreatenewfile....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Adding a license to a repository

On the left side of the page, under Add a license to your project, review the available licenses, then select a license from the list. Click Review and submit ...

Adding a license to a repository

On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository. · Above the list of files, using the Add file drop-down, click Create new file. · In the file name field, ...

Adding a license to a repository

On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository. · Above the list of files, select the Add file dropdown menu, then click Create new file. · In the file ...

GitHub tips — Add a license to a repository

To add a license to a repository on GitHub.com, use 'Add file' to create a file called LICENSE (all uppercase) GitHub will walk you through ...

How to add a license to a GitHub repository in less than 2 minutes

Type License as the name of the file and you should see Choose a license template button in the left corner. · Now choose any License you need ...

How to add license to an existing GitHub project

Go to your repository's Insights tab; Click Community on the left side; On the right side, click Add on the line wich says License.

How to License a Project on GitHub

Access Repository Settings: Go to your repository on GitHub. Click on “Add a License”: Under the repository name, click on “Add file” and select ...

Licensing a repository

You can manually add a license using the browser. For more information on adding a license to a repository, see Adding a license to a repository. Disclaimer. Choosing the right license · Searching GitHub by license... · Detecting a license

Should I be adding a license to my GitHub repos?

You can either add the license to the existing one or make your new version of the software use Creative Commons.

保障你辛苦寫的程式碼? #opensource #license #github

選好你想要的 License 後,就點 Create repository ,我在這邊示範用 MIT License,在 repository 中,會出現一個叫做 LICENSE 的檔案,並且系統替repository 加上了 MIT 的 ...


Ontheleftsideofthepage,underAddalicensetoyourproject,reviewtheavailablelicenses,thenselectalicensefromthelist.ClickReviewandsubmit ...,OnGitHub,navigatetothemainpageoftherepository.·Abovethelistoffiles,usingtheAddfiledrop-down,clickCreatenewfile.·Inthefilenamefield, ...,OnGitHub,navigatetothemainpageoftherepository.·Abovethelistoffiles,selecttheAddfiledropdownmenu,thenclickCreatenewfile.·Inthe...